One of my favorite times of year is when Chang Lor begins getting out on his Feelfree Moken 12.5 to take more nature pictures. His kayak allows him to get up close and personal with nature. Enjoy! -Bobby Ulrich
Saturday, 4/15 – The first official weekend where our surrounding lakes are ice-free! Wisconsin saw record-high temps the past few days, which really helped to melt any remaining ice on the water. I put on my drysuit, loaded my Feelfree Moken 12.5″ and headed out to a local lake to do some wildlife watching. This is my favorite time of the year: migratory waterfowls returning, courting, and bringing new life into the world. I was also excited to just be back on the water enjoying a good paddle while observing the environment. Spring has not sprung here in Wisconsin yet, but I am optimistic that April showers will bring May flowers and with it, new life.
The six outings I was able to do for the month of April were dreary conditions with low light and snow flurries and/or light rain (or both…). Thankfully, I had weatherproof camera gear to allow me to continue shooting and take on the opportunity of shooting in “creative” lighting environment.
The Feelfree Moken 12.5 remained as reliable as ever while paddling and photographing wildlife. The combination of stability and tracking allowed for simple maneuvering through the marsh.
Please enjoy the following wildlife highlights of my trip this month!

And when the wildlife viewing is slow, fish on!
Thanks for reading and viewing!
Written by Chang Lor, Feelfree Pros Staff Team Member
Edited by Bobby Ulrich, Feelfree Pro Staff Team Member